In Case You Missed It…
Department of Education Hosted Recent Events On
Holistic Advising and Student Support Services
Last week, the U.S. Department of Education hosted two presentations entitled “Securing the Mental Health of America’s College Students” and “Attaining College Excellence and Equity Advising Summit” designed to “highlight the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to ensuring that students of all backgrounds, ages, disability statuses, and income levels can succeed in any postsecondary pathway.”
As noted in the email notice announcing the presentations,
“As a part of the Raise the Bar: Attaining College Excellence and Equity (t1.info.ed.gov/r/?id=h787a3a,ade91d,b04580) initiative, the Department’s Attaining College Excellence and Equity Advising Summit will focus on holistic advising and wraparound services. This summit will bring together leading experts from the federal government, states, institutions, and the wider higher education community to share the knowledge, resources, and tools to drive concrete institutional and state improvements in advising practices and spotlight evidence-based and innovative promising practices. Also, it will help attendees assess what data, technology, policies, and practices are needed to strengthen capacity for delivering holistic advising and wraparound services; and create opportunities for attendees to network, strengthen connections, and build partnerships to advance student success.“
What’s Next
CSPEN monitored these two events and will share a summary of the Initiative and the presentation on tomorrow’s Federal Legislative and Regulatory Update.